TO OPEN YOUR OWN DR. BRC'S CLINIC @ HOME, CLICK HERE coronatruth - Dr. Biswaroop Roy Chowdhury

How to prevent/cure Covid19 in 3 steps?

Step 1 (Prevention):

Cellular background Immunity : Upto 60% of the population have cellular background immunity to novel corona virus as they have been infected with the previous corona viruses (cold virus) since childhood .
Here is the evidence :
Herd Immunity : Since 60% of the population is already having background immunity, rest 40% may get covered partially under herd immunity.Because of the above fact global case fatality ratio is 0.1% i.e equal to seasonal flu.
Here is the Evidence :
Mucosal Immunity : Everyday consume atleast 0.2gm of vitamin C from fruits ( 3 mangoes, 2 oranges or 1 guava)  or vegetables (4 tomatoes or one handful peas) to prevent respiratory viruses attack.
Here is the evidence:

Step 2 :

With the first symptom of flu (fever, cough, body ache, weakness) follow 3 Days Flu Diet. To learn the 3 days Flu diet go to :
The 3 Day Flu diet works and here is the evidence:

Step 3:

Incase of breathing difficulty, apply Prone Ventilation technique. It can be done at home easily without any special equipment.
Here is the evidence:
With the first sign of Flu contact us at or call us at +91-8587059169 for free support, guidance and treatment.

How They Kill Corona Patients in 3 Steps?

Step 1:

Face mask causes stagnation/collection of all kind of Virus (including corona virus) and frequent touching of mask. (23 times per hour) causes increase in transmission of virus means more illness and more deaths.
Here is the evidence:

Step 2:

Corona Virus in upper respiratory tract (mouth, nose, throat) is not at all deadly and cannot cause complication or death.
Giving patients-
1. Antibiotics
2. Antipyretic drugs
3. Anti viral drugs
4. Anti malarial drug
Causes the virus spread to the lower respiratory tract (Lungs). By 7th day it may cause breathing difficulties, pneumonia like symptoms and oxygen deficiency in patients.
Click Here for Evidence :

Step 3:

Covid19 patients with breathing difficulty leads to
External Oxygen given to them through mechanical ventilators leads to Upto 94% deaths
Click Here for Evidence :
End Note: Lockdown/ social distancing cannot protect you from corona virus only your immunity can!
Here are the Evidences:

A N.I.C.E initiative by:

Dr Biswaroop Roy Chowdhury (PhD Diabetes),
Dr K B Tumane Ex-Chief Doctor (Deputy Director Health Services) of Nagpur Municipal corporation.

To watch the deleted videos of Corona CLICK here


