To Enrol in Certificate Course of Integrated Medicine (CIM), Click Here The Recipe Book E-Book (PDF) - Dr. Biswaroop Roy Chowdhury


The Recipe Book E-Book (PDF)

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E-Book ‘Recipes to Cure Lifestyle Diseases’

This book is a collection of ‘Life Saving Recipes’ developed not only to satisfy your taste buds, but also  to target the body’s need of medical nutrition and helping patients to reverse lifestyle diseases such as Diabetes, Heart disease and Cancer. The effect of this diet is so profound that the patient will be forced to either eliminate or taper off the dosage of medicines such as anti-diabetes pills, insulin & high blood pressure medications etc. within the first 3 days of adopting the recipes. While creating the recipes, Neerja Roy Chowdhury, not only took reference from acknowledged medical sources such as ‘Noble Prize Winning Discovery -1998’ and ‘The China Study’, but also observed hundreds of patients’ healing outcome while they were on the ‘Whole Food Plant-Based Diet.’

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