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Model for Cancer Cure

The word “cancer” may mean death and suffering for most but not after knowing “Rabbit-Tortoise Model for cancer cure”. This book not only exposes the dark secrets of cancer industry, how the healthy people are converted into cancer patients but also presents a step by step evidence based strategy to get rid of cancer and escape the trap of the cancer industry.


All related references are as under:

References for Rule No-1

Bissell MJ, Hines WC. Why don't we get more cancer? A proposed role of the microenvironment in restraining cancer progression. Nat Med. 2011 Mar;17(3):320-9. doi: 10.1038/nm.2328. PMID: 21383745; PMCID: PMC3569482.

H. Gilbert Welch, William C. Black, Overdiagnosis in Cancer, JNCI: Journal of the National Cancer Institute, Volume 102, Issue 9, 5 May 2010, Pages 605–613,

Esserman LJ, Thompson IM, Reid B, Nelson P, Ransohoff DF, Welch HG, Hwang S, Berry DA, Kinzler KW, Black WC, Bissell M, Parnes H, Srivastava S. Addressing overdiagnosis and overtreatment in cancer: a prescription for change. Lancet Oncol. 2014 May;15(6):e234-42. doi: 10.1016/S1470-2045(13)70598-9. PMID: 24807866; PMCID: PMC4322920.

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The Downside of Mammograms - Kresser Institute

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References for Rule No-2

Bissell MJ, Hines WC. Why don't we get more cancer? A proposed role of the microenvironment in restraining cancer progression. Nat Med. 2011 Mar;17(3):320-9. doi: 10.1038/nm.2328. PMID: 21383745; PMCID: PMC3569482

Liu, Q., Zhang, H., Jiang, X. et al. Factors involved in cancer metastasis: a better understanding to “seed and soil” hypothesis. Mol Cancer 16, 176 (2017).

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Bone Marrow Biopsy - Reasons, Pain, Complications. Health Jade

Pearls and Pitfalls for Soft-Tissue and Bone Biopsies: A Cross-Institutional Review Ryan D. Meek, Megan K. Mills, Christopher J. Hanrahan, Brooke R. Beckett, Richard L. Leake, Hailey Allen, Don D. Williams, Matthew Tommack, Sandra Schmahmann, and Barry G. Hansford RadioGraphics 2020 40:1, 266-290

Complications of Liver Biopsy - Risk Factors, Management and Recommendations WRITTEN BY Norman Oneil Machado Submitted: November 28th, 2010 Published: September 6th, 2011 DOI: 10.5772/23600

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The Downside of Mammograms - Kresser Institute

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References for Rule No-3

Liu, Q., Zhang, H., Jiang, X. et al. Factors involved in cancer metastasis: a better understanding to “seed and soil” hypothesis. Mol Cancer 16, 176 (2017).

Esserman LJ, Thompson IM, Reid B, Nelson P, Ransohoff DF, Welch HG, Hwang S, Berry DA, Kinzler KW, Black WC, Bissell M, Parnes H, Srivastava S. Addressing overdiagnosis and overtreatment in cancer: a prescription for change. Lancet Oncol. 2014 May;15(6):e234-42. doi: 10.1016/S1470-2045(13)70598-9. PMID: 24807866; PMCID: PMC4322920.

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Why antibiotics can’t be used to treat your cold or flu? Queensland Health

References for Rule No-4

Liu, Q., Zhang, H., Jiang, X. et al. Factors involved in cancer metastasis: a better understanding to “seed and soil” hypothesis. Mol Cancer 16, 176 (2017).

Esserman LJ, Thompson IM, Reid B, Nelson P, Ransohoff DF, Welch HG, Hwang S, Berry DA, Kinzler KW, Black WC, Bissell M, Parnes H, Srivastava S. Addressing overdiagnosis and overtreatment in cancer: a prescription for change. Lancet Oncol. 2014 May;15(6):e234-42. doi: 10.1016/S1470-2045(13)70598-9. PMID: 24807866; PMCID: PMC4322920.

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Elisabeth Filipski, Franck Delaunay, Verdun M. King, Ming-Wei Wu, Bruno Claustrat, Aline Gréchez-Cassiau, Catherine Guettier, Michael H. Hastings, Lévi Francis; Effects of Chronic Jet Lag on Tumor Progression in Mice. Cancer Res 1 November 2004; 64 (21): 7879–7885


Diagnostic Reports :

To Access the diagnostic reports click the link BEFORE | AFTER :

1. Dr Namita Gupta : BEFOREAFTER

2. Vidhika Batra : BEFOREAFTER

3. Gajendra Kashyap : BEFORE   |   AFTER

4. Sanad Piya : BEFORE   |   AFTER

5. Sumita Roy  : BEFORE   |   AFTER NOT DONE

6. Rameshwar Lal Dudi    : BEFORE   |   AFTER NOT DONE

7. Kanta Shamdasani    : BEFORE   |   AFTER NOT DONE

8. Trilok Singh  : BEFORE   |   AFTER NOT DONE

9. Soma Dey : BEFORE   |   AFTER NOT DONE

10. Arvind Jain : BEFORE   |   AFTER NOT DONE

11. Tara Ben Patel : BEFORE   |   AFTER NOT DONE

12. Ravi Kumar Mondal : BEFORE   |   AFTER NOT DONE

13. Balwinder Singh : BEFORE   |   AFTER NOT DONE

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