Learn the new science (DAN protocol) of curing lung protocol. Join live training on 23 July at 12noon at www.coronakaal.tv STOP slaughtering pregnant cows to produce COVID-19 vaccine - Dr. Biswaroop Roy Chowdhury

STOP slaughtering pregnant cows
to produce COVID-19 vaccine

What is Fetal Bovine Serum (FBS)?

FBS is a medium used in the production of many vaccines and is currently being used for COVID-19 vaccine production. It is obtained by mercilessly slaughtering pregnant cow and tearing the stomach of the cow to pull the 3 to 9 months old bovine fetus and puncturing the heart while the fetus is alive and kicking with pain, to extract the blood, which is called and used as FBS.

AIIMS used FBS (supplied by Mumbai based producer ‘Himedia’) in the isolation of SARS-Cov-21 and now ICMR in association with Bharat Biotech is using FBS2 to produce Covid-19 vaccine. In fact FBS is the standard part of the protocol for developing Covid-19 vaccine,3 causing slaughtering of millions of pregnant cows and killing the bovine fetus4 to extract FBS needed for the development of Covid-19 vaccine. FBS is used in the production of many other vaccines5 used in India.

