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Dr. Biswaroop’s Enlightening Book Release – World’s Best: The DIP Diet

The medical industry does not want you to be cured!

Quite the bold outlook, isn’t it? But if you were to look closely and truly understand the basic
economy behind the working of the medical industry, you would realize that it is nothing
more than a big fiesta of businesses trying to sell their products to the highest bidder. And the
innocent victims of these fear-mongering schemes are no one but the innocent patient
fighting every day for his life. If you believe that these over-the-counter allopathic drugs are
the solution to your illnesses, then you have to think twice about whether you actually want
to cure yourself or if you just want to stay under the impression that your disease is being

Dr. Biswaroop’s Enlightening Book Release - World’s Best: The DIP Diet

What is the Medical Industry Hiding from You?

It is said that true virtue lies with those who are awake to their surroundings. And in today’s
date and age, it becomes imperial for us to take off the rose-coloured glasses that the entirety
of the medical industry is using to cover the eyes of every individual on this planet and accept
the fact that no disease, in truth, is uncurable or untreatable. Dr. Biswaroop’s new and
upcoming book, ‘World’s Best: The DIP Diet’, talks about exactly that, and how, just with
the force of discipline and sheer will, any disease can be cured.
Dr. Biswaroop’s main goal is to bring awareness to the misguided masses about the true
reality of the behemoth of a medical industry and he strives to work hard towards ensuring
that more and more people are becoming aware of how the modern medical industry is
scamming us all with their lies and elaborate treatments that do nothing but add fear to the
hearts of the innocent victims.

What does Dr. Biswaroop’s DIP Diet Promise Us?

The DIP Diet, or the Disciplined and Intelligent People’s Diet is designed through extensive
research and elaborate clinical trials to fight all chronic and acute diseases ruining this world.
From acute kidney failure, to heart diseases, and even diabetes (all of which are proclaimed
to be ‘untreatable’ by the medical industry). The DIP diet is simply designed keeping in mind
that the human body is a mirage of various functions and in accordance with the Ayurvedic
practices, the DIP diet ensures that good health does not become dependent on medicines or
expensive and painstaking medical procedures that do nothing but promote the degradation of
the body further.
Dr. Biswaroop Roy Chowdhury’s research has always ensured that his patients receive the
appropriate treatment and have the long-lasting benefits of his methods that ensure quick and
efficient recovery. Through this book, Dr. Biswaroop wants to promote maintaining good
health by the means of DIP Diet, describing the immense importance that our diet has in
ensuring the longevity of our life. The DIP Diet was formulated to make the human body
independent of any kind of reliance on unnecessary allopathic medicine and even hefty
procedures like dialysis and others that do not let the body ever reach the stage of complete
The DIP Diet is a means to take the reigns of your own life in your hands and to work
towards creating a holistically pleasing livelihood, free of ailments or stress, hence proving
Dr. Biswaroop’s methods of treatments fitting and just.

Read the Book and Connect With Us!

Coming to all educational platforms, on September 28, 2024, is the book ‘World’s Best: The
DIP Diet’, for you all to read and marvel at the self-healing properties of the human body,
only and only through the right medium. The DIP Diet ensures that you can be happy and
healthy while living your life to the fullest, without the sword of these so-called ‘untreatable’
ailments. Grab Dr. Biswaroop’s book, ‘World’s Best: The DIP Diet’, and be enlightened by
the wonders of the world of nutrition.

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