TO OPEN YOUR OWN DR. BRC'S CLINIC @ HOME, CLICK HERE dipdiet - Dr. Biswaroop Roy Chowdhury

Steps to design your DIP Diet

Step I:

Till 12 noon, eat only fruits of 3 to 4 types including mango, banana, grapes, etc.

Minimum amount to be consumed = Your body weight in kg × 10 = …………….gms

For example, a 70kgs person should consume atleast 700gms of 4 types of fruits before 12 noon.


Step II:

Always eat your lunch/dinner in 2 plates.

Plate 1 and Plate 2

Plate 1 should consist of 4 types of vegetables like carrot, tomato, radish and cucumber, which you can eat in raw form.

Minimum amount of Plate 1 = Your body weight in kg × 5 = …………….. gms

For example, a 70 kg person should eat at least 350gms of 4 types of raw vegetables.

Plate 2 consists of homely cooked vegetarian food with negligible salt and oil.

First finish eating plate 1, in accordance with the above calculation. Then take plate 2 as much as you want to eat. The rules for lunch and dinner are same; however, we must remember to try to finish dinner by 7pm.


  1. Animal food including milk products
  2. Multivitamin tonic and capsules
  3. Refined and packed food

Try exposing your body to 40 minutes of sunshine on daily basis.




Other than 3 main meals of breakfast, lunch and dinner – following are the options for snacks/beverages:-

  1. Sprouts (Body weight in Kg = ………..gms)

      Example: For 70kg person about 70gms of sprouts in a day.


  1. All kinds of ‘Nuts’ can be consumed after soaking in water for 2-3 hours. Quantity = Body weight in kg = ……………gms

      Example: For 70kgs person about 70gms of nuts in a day.

  1. Fruits can also be consumed as snacks.
  2. Fresh coconut water and coconut cream.
  3. Hunza tea

