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Dr. Biswaroop Roy Chowdhury’s Research: Your Path To Medical Freedom & Independence

Dr. Biswaroop Roy Chowdhury’s Research: Your Path To Medical Freedom & Independence

Dependence on anything can become fatal if not wisely curbed. Dependence on pharmaceutical medications and allopathic means of treatment can be life threatening if not resisted completely. Aside from being an added blow to one’s bank account, allopathic medications being marketed by the entire medical industry are enough to subject you to a lifetime of getting trapped in the hoax that hospitals sell these days in the name of a ‘cure’. The simple truth about the medical industry is that it does not want you to leave and the day you learn the importance of natural healing, they are going to lose. Dr. Biswaroop Roy Chowdhury has spent his entire life preaching that.

Benefits of a medication free lifestyle

Medicines and expensive treatment technologies are nothing but a pit of quicksand. The more you try to escape, the deeper you find yourself stuck in it. Dr. Biswaroop Roy Chowdhury encourages patients to lean towards natural methods of curing chronic diseases. His Clinic@Home segment is designed to let you know that no disease, chronic or acute, is dangerous enough to warrant hard medicines. The human body is built with metal residues found in the stars; and so, it is unacceptable to believe that it cannot heal itself. Clinic@Home is introduced to induce the importance of self-care and natural healing into the masses. Right amount of guidance and a disciplined lifestyle can prevent you from ever going to the hospital. It can encourage you to realise that all of the solutions are within the walls and comfort of your home. Dr. Biswaroop Roy Chowdhury’s playing cards on ’30 Ways to Fool. You in Hospital’ are an example of his farsightedness. These cards are a means to understand the amount of conditioning that the medical industry has done to the masses to make them empty their pockets.

How to fight chronic diseases through Clinic@Home?

Dr. Biswaroop Roy Chowdhury runs university affiliated course and guides on how you may cure any disease at home. CIM – Certification in Integrated Medicine is a course designed by Dr. Chowdhury to empower people of all generations about fighting any disease at home. This certification courses an amalgamation of his protocols including his mathematical model of nutrition -The DIP diet, Zero-Volt Therapy, Circadian Clock and Ayurvedic Panchkarma (CCAP), H.E.L.P Handling Extreme Life Conditions with Panchkarma, GRAD, VST (Vaso Stimulation Therapy) & D.A.N Protocol. The journey to self-healing is not an easy one but keeping discipline in life and staying connected to nature can help improve severe chronic conditions to the point of complete disappearance of the disease. You can also enroll for Dr. Chowdhury’s certification courses through the link:

Dr. Biswaroop Roy Chowdhury has spent years mastering the discipline of naturopathy and Yogic sciences. His studies have helped guide hundreds and thousands of people of all age groups into fighting any disease through his social-initiatives like NICE & WISE.

What to choose for your health?

In these trying times when not even the word of the medical industry can be trusted, it is up to you to choose what is best for your health and wellness. Instead of going for the easy (yet dangerous) way, it is better to put in the effort required to know about your body. Dr. Biswaroop Roy Chowdhury’s can help you understand the truth about healing, and so, keeping that in mind, do not let the medical industry fool you into believing their lies. Do not let yourself become a victim of the hoax that modern medicine and allopathy has conjured up. Take control of your mind, body, and soul. Learn what is best for you in the long run – harsh medications or simple and natural healing?

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