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You can Reverse Lifestyle Diseases
& Metabolic Disorders
(Diabetes, Hypertension, Heart diseases, Digestive disorders,
Skin disease, Thyroid disease, Bone disorders, Cancer & Obesity)
by just implementing
the DIP Diet Protocol
based on
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Dr. Biswaroop’s Peer Reviewed Published Research Paper


Within 72hrs of
adopting the DIP DIET*

57% of Diabetes Type I patients can eliminate insulin dependency.

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Within 72hrs of
adopting the DIP DIET*

100% of Diabetes Type II, non-insulin dependent patients can achieve a good blood sugar level without medicine.


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Within 72hrs of
adopting the DIP DIET*

Patients can expect an average weight loss was 1.4 kg.


Read Research Paper


Within 72hrs of
adopting the DIP DIET*

52% of the patients can free themselves of all kinds of medicines, including medicines for B.P, cholesterol, acidity etc.


Read Research Paper




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Do you want to Design
your DIP DIET*
(for free)

Watch the 2hrs training video
in your preferred language

Diabetes Type I & II Reversal in 72hrs

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Do you want to implement
the DIP DIET* protocol
under the direct supervision of
 Dr. Biswaroop Roy Chowdhury

Download the App


*To know the history and origin of DIP Diet, read the book ‘Last Days of Diabetes’ (Click for a Free E-Book)



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